Latin name: Amamum campactum soland
Set Of Relatives : Zingiberaceae
area : Bali : Kapolagha Jawa : Cardamom, Madura: cardamom, Sunda : Palago Minangkabau : Pelaga puwar
strangers(foreigners : Round Kardemon
Nature Of Kimiawi : This plant is rich content of chemistry, which have been known by a.l. oil terbang?sineol, terpineol and alfaborneol, beta-kamper, protein, sugar, silicate and fat.
Effect Farmakologis : This crop measure up to Rather bitter flavor, heated. Penurun is hot, anti tusif, peluruh phlegm and anti puking.
Part of the applied crop : All crop and fruit.
Way of conducting : Propagation of crop dg apply rhizome. Easy conservancy, require to be enough water dg way of sprinkler of yg is enough, take care of fertilization and dampness especially basal fertilizer.
Regional :
Cardamom come from tropical forest in and South India area Srilangka. Cardamom introduce to Europe state by Arab nation as flavour. This crop also grow state Thailand, Kamboja, Malaysia, Barat, and Philippine, especially in hilly region chilling, dale area and is covert. In cardamom Indonesia found by wild emergence and planted in hilly region in Central Java and West Java area.
Measure :
This flora grow root tuber with height between 2 - 3 m. The leaf is ellipse of sharp-pointed back part with length about 30 cm and 10 wide cm. The flower( is symmetrical two sides, redish chromatic and divided to become 3 part) distinguishable according to difference of local variety type. From there will be yielded fruit of white chromatic box who making fragrance so that can be applied as flavour and also drug. Cardamom commercializing consisting of dry capsule, side of three, domed or ellipse, chromatic abu-bu is brown, what divided superior of three space, contain compact with tan angular seed. The wedge have hot flavor, camphor, smell fragrant, and felt is cool at tongue if shamped. The fruit stay in small globular bunch , sometime furry and grey rust colored. Cardamom sabrang ( Levator Skapula Elettaria cardamomum.) Maton coming from lran is more odorously baunya.Jika too much mengunakan cardamom hence will bother chyme [job/activity].
Obstetrical & Benefit :
Extract ( cooked with water) from all flora is weared as drug to flatulensi or meteorismus ( conglomeration of gas in intestine), weakness and colic. Smooth boxed flora with water is weared as liniment for rheumatism disease. Extract from root tuber utilize as fever drug. The seed is material shamped, weared also as flavour ( for cake) and as drug, the example to cure difficulty of breath, oral smell ( futor exore) and cure coughing and itchy of red lane by shamping him(it. In seed material there are oil kardamon containing terpineol, terpinylasetat, cineol, borneol and sabinen, albumin, calcium-oksalat and silisium. Besides also oleaginous volatile ( alfaborneol and betakamfer) which berkhasiat for thinning phlegm, facilitate expenditure of wind from stomach, heat, clean blood, eliminate ill flavor, make fragrance.
Disease available for healed and way of its use.
1. stomach spastic, RHEUMATISM : All this part of plants including the roots braised during more or less more one-fourth hour(clocks by filtered, the water drinked.
2. FEVER, HOT : Bar is braised during more or less a quarter hour(clock then filtered. the water drinked.
3. Coughed : Fruit of munched.
4. Prevent Nausea : fruit of eaten and braised.
5. body odour : Rhizome is braised sufficiently and drinked by the water.
6. CHAFE tonsil, MENSTRUAL TROUBLE, stomach spastic, gargle, influenza, GASTRITIS, BREATHLESS, WEAK BODY ( AS TONIC) : Fruit of braised, eat and a lot still be other.