Posted by Agustawangmangu On 0 komentar


Nama latin: Lagerstromeia speciosa Pers

Nama daerah: Bhungor; Wungur; Ketangi; Laban; Wungu

Deskripsi tanaman: Pohon, tinggi dapat mencapai 45 m, umumnya antara 25-30 meter, bercabang-cabang. Batang berwarna cokelat pucat sampai merah cokelat. Perbungaan berupa malai, berwarna ungu.

Habitat: Tumbuh di tanah gersang dan subur pada hutan atau tanaman pelindung tepi jalan pada dataran 1-900 m dpl.

Bagian tanaman yang digunakan: Kulit kayu

Kandungan kimia: Tanin; Alkaloid; Saponin; Terpena; Glukosa

Khasiat: Antidiare; Diuretik; Antidiabetik

Nama simplesia: Lagerstroemiae speciosae Cortex, Lagerstroemiae speciosae Folium

Resep tradisional:

Kencing manis:

Daun bungur segar 8 g; Biji kacang hijau 9 g; Air 110 ml, Dibuat infus, Diminum 1 kali sehari 100 ml.

BUNGUR (Lagerstromeia speciosa Pers)

Latin name: Lagerstromeia speciosa Pers

Local Name: Bhungor; Wungur; Ketangi; Laban; Wungu

Crop description: tree, Height can reach 45 m, generally between 25-30 metre, bar branch. Pale cacao chromatic bar until squeezing cacao. Inflorescence in the form of panicle, chromatic is purple.

Habitat: Grow in fertile and barren land at wayside protector crop or forest at plain of 1-900 m above sea level.

Part of the applied crop: Bark

Content of chemistry: tannin; alkaloid; saponin; pen; Glucose

Khasiat: Antidiare; Diuretic; Antidiabetik

Name of simplesia: Lagerstroemiae speciosae Cortex Lagerstroemiae speciosae Folium

Traditional recipe:


Leaf bungur fresh 8 g; Green nut 9 g; Water 110 ml, Made by infusion, Drinked 100ml in 1 times a day.

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